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Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator

Basal metabolic rate or BMR, is the amount of energy expended while at rest in a neutrally temperate environment, in the post-absorptive state (meaning that the digestive system is inactive, which requires about twelve hours of fasting in humans). Or with simple description, BMR is the number of calories you had burned if you stayed in bed or resting all day.  The release of energy in this condition is sufficient only for the functioning of the people vital organs, such as the heart, lungs, brain, liver, kidneys, sex organs, muscles and skin. People BMR is usually influenced by a number of factors, including age, weight, height, gender, environmental temperature, dieting, and exercise habits.

The younger the person, the higher (faster) the metabolism. And the taller and heavier a person is, the faster their metabolism. Because of the greater percentage of lean muscle tissue in the male body, men generally have a 10-15% faster BMR than women. And when you go on restrictive, traditional diets, your BMR can drop by as much as 20%. People living in tropical or very cold environments generally have BMR’s 5-20% higher than those living in more temperate climates. In general, depending on the intensity and duration, consistent exercise can also increase your BMR.

You can use this tool to calculate your BMR. This calculator is created using Mifflin – St Jeor equation. With this equation, the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) can be calculated with the following formula.
– Man (metric)                 : BMR = 10 * weight(kg) + 6.25 * height(cm) – 5 * age(y) + 5
– Woman (metric)           : BMR = 10 * weight(kg) + 6.25 * height(cm) – 5 * age(y) – 161

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