There are times when you need to treat your employees as partners. On one hand, they work for you to earn income. On the other hand, you make use their efforts to gain profit. It is a mutual partnership which must be kept. You need them and they need you. That is why you should consider about their needs including offering the training programs which are not only useful to enhance their knowledge and skills but also give them a chance to do better for your company.
After completing the training, each participant deserves for certain rewards. It is usually a certificate. If you are the one who are in charge of organizing the program to train your employees, you will need to release Training Certificate of Completion. The simplest way is probably using outsourcing services from a printing company. However, you can save more funds by creating the certificate using OpenOffice Writer word processor.
A Training Certificate of Completion usually mentions the training organization and its course title. There will also be a statement “this is to certify that” , followed by the name of the training participant. Besides that, the certificate will also mention the level and point achieved by the holder. And, at the bottom of each certificates, you should spare some space for signature and date. There are 4 training certificate of completions that you can download below where you can personalize to suit your organization style.