There is an ancient story in China said that gender of Chinese children can be predicted based on statistic chart that has been maintain over years. The chinese gender chart itself was found in a royal tomb over 700 years before present. The royal tomb is near Beijing, China. Now, the chart is kept in the Institute of Science in Beijing. How accurate is the chart? Nobody can guarantee the accuracy of this chart. It is based on statistic chart and ancient stories. Now, there are doctors with modern medical equipment can give people better gender prediction before the baby was born.
This chart is a copy of the chinese gender chart. In order to use this chart, you have to put the mother’s age at the time of conception in “Mother Age at Conception” cell and then put the month that conception took place in “Conception Month” cell. There is a formula that will intersect your input and gives the gender of your child. If the gender is the same with the gender of your children, you have to think that this is just coincidence.