When you plan to move to your new house or new apartment, or you change your school room, what is the first thing that you will do? You will list all of your belonging. And you will find some difficulties when you realized that there are too many items to be written. That’s the reason why you should try to have an inventory list that you can update it every time you have new items. Instead of having inventory list for moving purposes, you can use this list if your belonging are being stolen and you want to claim your insurance. By having important summaries of stolen items, you don’t have to find purchase receipt of that item in the beginning or finding whether your stolen item is insured or not.
When you plan to sell your items, you can find this list is useful, because you can find how long have you owned your item, so you can value your item before it is being sold. There are many other things that you can do quickly, for example finding warranty information of your items if it is damaged etc.
This calc spreadsheet is created to list your items based on its location in your house. Before typing all of your items, try to define your rooms in terms worksheet. There is sample rooms inside that worksheet that you can modify. You have also to define your items in item pool worksheet. After you finished with those two worksheets, you can start typing all of your items in inventory worksheet by selecting corresponding room and item name and put any detail information regarding those items.