January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December are name of months within one year in commonly used calendar around the world. Those are English names which will have different names in different countries based on their languages. One year consist of 12 months. And one month period usually consists of 4 or 5 weeks where the length of the month will vary between 30-31 days except for February which will have 28 or 29 days.
There are many style of calendar layouts available either printed or as software applications. In general, those calendars can be categorized into four types based on period layouts. Those are yearly, monthly, weekly and daily period layouts. People will select it based on the most fitted calendar with plan.
This template is a monthly calendar where you can change the layouts and the name of the month automatically. And you don’t have to find the dates inside the calendar when you want to put your important events. You can type it in the column next to the calendar and those important events will be revealed automatically in the calendar in corresponding month.